​AI-powered Compliance Map – Complete and full traceability between your rules and your compliance framework

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June 23, 2021

Explore the challenges facing IT, Regulatory and Policy compliance teams as they align rulebooks (regulations, rules, and laws) to their governance and compliance artifacts (policies, procedures, contracts and controls). Understand the beneficial impact and ROI for organizations of using AI to transform into sustainable, AI-powered compliance programs.

In this eBook, we look at the potential of AI-powered tools that compliance teams can use to easily establish comprehensive and continuous traceability by mapping external requirements and their internal compliance framework. Our goal is to demonstrate how AI can be a transformative force in addressing the multifaceted challenges inherent in creating these mappings, within the dynamic landscape of modern business.

This eBook serves as a comprehensive guide, covering the challenges and benefits of leveraging AI-powered tools. We show how, step by step, AI can transform your business processes, supporting legal, government relations, privacy, security, IT, compliance and risk professionals. We walk through an example to show how 4CRisk’s Compliance Map product helps you gain value quickly, with an outstanding ROI. We conclude the eBook with a discussion on how organizations can achieve sustainable, AI-powered compliance.

4CRisk.ai’s AI-powered Compliance Map product allows professionals to assess the efficacy of their compliance program by reviewing AI-generated mappings of rulebooks (regulations, rules, laws and standards) to their governance and compliance artifacts (policies, procedures, controls and contracts).

AI introduces innovative powerful technologies to help compliance professionals navigate complex regulatory terrains and effectively manage associated risks. As we uncover AI’s potential, we provide a holistic understanding of the profound impact and business value AI can have on meeting challenges organizations face in today's swiftly evolving business, technology, regulatory and standards environment.

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