Business Drivers

I need my Regulatory Change Management Program to.....
  • Allows Legal, Government Relations, Regulatory Affairs and Compliance teams to accelerate performance and respond to market changes faster
  • Keep current with compounding effects of regulatory change on my organization
  • Get real-time notifications from agencies on upcoming change
  • Attest to the board, external customers and third parties on our compliance efficacy
  • Understand the impact of change across the regulatory, business, and external risk landscapes
  • Update our customer products faster while reducing information overload on legal and compliance teams
  • Align policies, procedures and controls with required changesin regulations, rules and laws
  • Collaborate and communicate across all lines of defense to get changes done quickly
  • Improve the effectiveness of the enterprise taxonomy by harmonizing compliance artifacts  

AI-powered Regulatory Change Management allows organizations to proactively keep pace with the velocity of change across all applicable rules, regulations and laws while mitigating compliance risks by aligning policies, procedures and controls with required changes

Key Benefits

Effectiveness - 75% reduction of risk of non-compliance

• Gather, organize, assess, prioritize, communicate, monitor, comply, and demonstrate evidence of good regulatory compliance practices


Efficiency - 50% reduction in cost of compliance

• Optimize human resources and capital budgetto consistently manage regulatory changes in a rapidly evolving regulatory and business landscape


Agility - 75% faster response to changing regulatoryenvironment

• Quickly adapt and respond to regulatory developments, gain a competitive advantage over competitors handicapped by broken processes


Customer Experience Spotlight

Customer Comment

We have seen a dramatic improvement in the time taken to align our policies with regulatory and standards changes with 4CRisk s Regulatory Change product Importantly the accuracy is very high and our confidence in compliance is high as we prepare to meet regulators.

- Compliance Manager, Financial firm

Aria Quote

"I’m Aria, the brains behind our AI powered compliance in 4CRisk products. I love to provide instant information how regulations and impacting organizations to help them transform their regulatory change programs"

Customer Comment

We have significantly improved the efficiency, timeliness and accuracy of reporting in our Regulatory Change Management with 4CRisk's products

- Compliance Manager, Financial firm

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